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Contact Us Today: 708-576-8770

What is our Nurse-to-Patient ratio?
Our nurses take care of no more than three children per shift. However, a nurse may have one or two patient assignments depending on the severity and census.
Will a nurse be with my child at all times?
Your child will be on a monitor, and alarms are turned on when the child is asleep or unattended. Any nurse or the nurse’s assistant will respond to the alarms or calls when activated.
Can I cook my food here?
We do not have a stove due to fire safety.  You can use the toaster oven or microwave to warm up your food. Families can bring prepared meals from home or restaurants, frozen meals, canned meals, and fruits.
How long can my child stay at Ventracare Homes?
Your child can stay from 2 to 14 days per year for respite care for the respite program.
Children coming out of a hospital could stay up to 120 days for transitional care as we train the caregivers on the child’s care while ensuring that the right types of equipment are set up in your home and adequate home nursing services before the child goes home.
Can a parent/caregiver sleepover?
We encourage caregivers to spend quality time with the child as part of the scheduled 48 hours of training at two intervals of 24 hours each. This training is necessary to ensure competency in the child’s care after discharge from our home. Upon completing the training, parents/caregivers will be expected to care for the child independently. We have private rooms for privacy and safety that will accommodate an overnight stay for the above reasons.